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Thank you very much. We appreciate your numerous exciting submissions. The Call for Participation is now closed. We are now starting the review process and will publish the conference program shortly.

If you still wish to submit an application for the conference, please feel free to contact us directly.

Deadline and Notification

Deadline for all submissions: 30 June 2022
Notification for acceptance until: 20 July 2022
Contact: Dr. Mario Anastasiadis (anastasiadis@uni-bonn.de), Yannik Peters, M.A. (y.peters@uni-bonn.de)
Fees: The conference is free of charge.


The CfP invites contributions to: (1) individual presentations, (2) short talks and poster presentation in a high-density session, and for (3) thematic panels. If possible, submissions should be assigned to one of the topics mentioned in the CfP. Please let us know whether you would like to come to Bonn or only participate online. This is not a final decision. We will ask you for a final decision during the registration process (July 2022).

(1) Submissions for individual presentations: Submissions for individual 20-minute presentations include an abstract of max. 2000 characters (including spaces, title and bibliography with max. three titles plus a short CV). Please make clear in the submission whether the submitted talk can be considered for a short talk and poster presentation, if applicable.

(2) Submissions for Short Talks and Poster Presentation in a High-Density Session: In high-density sessions participants present their topic within five minutes, followed by discussions with the panel members in a poster session. Submissions for a five-minute short talk and a poster presentation in a high-density session include an abstract of max. 2000 characters (including spaces, title and bibliography with max. three titles plus a short CV). If accepted for a high-density session, the preparation of a poster is obligatory.

(3) Submissions for thematic panels: Proposals for thematic panels include three to four individual papers (per individual paper an abstract of max. 2000 characters incl. spaces, title and bibliography with max. three titles as well as a short CV) as well as a frame text (max. 2000 characters incl. spaces, title and bibliography with max. three titles) outlining the topic of the panel, the context of the papers as well as the fit to the conference topic. Please include a proposal for the panel moderation. 

Please submit via email to           anastasiadis@uni-bonn.de or y.peters@uni-bonn.de


All submissions will be reviewed by the members of the Research Association NRW Digital Society in a double-blind review process. The following evaluation criteria apply to (1) individual presentations and (2) posters and short presentations:

  1. Clarity and conciseness of the presentation
  2. Originality and innovativeness of the contribution
  3. Relevance of the research question
  4. Quality of the theoretical framework 
  5. Quality of methodology/approach 
  6. Fit of the contribution to the conference topic

For (3) panel submissions, the entire panel, rather than the individual presentations, will be evaluated, and therefore will be judged based on the following criteria:

  1. Clarity and conciseness of the presentation
  2. Fit of the individual contributions to each other
  3. Relevance of the panel within the conference topic